
What is covered by support?

We love to help our customers when they are in a bind, but, there are some limits to the help we can provide, please see the list below to see if you can get support from us.

Things we CAN help with...

  • Bugs - If something is broken or does not work as it does on the demo site, we can help with that.
  • Bugs in packaged blocks - If your theme has blocks packaged with it made by Vidal Themes, and you find a bug, we can help with that.
  • Clarification of the docs - Found something in the docs that do not make sense to you? we can help with that

Things we CANNOT help with...

  • Your own code - If you add your own code and something breaks, it is down to you to fix it, please make sure you know what you are doing before adding/altering code.
  • Other developers add-on's - We can only help with Themes and Add-on's that we have produced, if you are experiencing an issue with a 3rd party add-on/theme please contact the appropriate developer for help.
  • Using ConcreteCMS - If you need some help or pointers getting to know how to use ConcreteCMS, the best place for that is the docs https://documentation.concretecms.org/user-guide or the community forums https://forums.concretecms.org/
  • Web server and domain name - We cannot provide support for your hosting environment, the best people to contact regarding your installed version of PHP, your web server and/or domain name will be the companies who provided those items.